Enduro Riders Association will host the Little Burr Enduro on Sunday, July 29, in New Plymouth, OH. It is a restart format enduro.
Pre-Entry for the event opens at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, July 17. Scoring will be done electronically using LiveLaps. Like the national enduros, row assignments can be requested when pre-registering and will be assigned by LiveLaps on a first come, first serve basis. This race will have four riders per row. Visit https://www.livelaps.com/promoter?5469 to pre-enter this event. Pre-entry closes at midnight on July 27.
Rows 21-26A will be held for ACES pro riders until July 27. Pros need to contact ACES president, Kory Young, ASAP to reserve spots on your row for other riders.
If you already have a LiveLaps profile, you are ready to pre-enter. If you need to create a LiveLaps profile, please visit https://www.livelaps.com/admin/participantRegistration. YOU MUST HAVE A LIVELAPS ACCOUNT SET-UP TO RACE!
If you have a LiveLaps transponder chip from a previous event, you must bring it to sign up to be re-programmed. If you need to purchase a LiveLaps transponder chip, they will be available for purchase on race day for $10.