A reminder that pre-entry for ACES Round 6 hosted by Appalachian Dirt Riders (a national enduro) opens on Wednesday, July 17 at 8 p.m. Most national enduros fill up immediately, so be sure to grab your spot.
Scoring will be done electronically using LiveLaps. Like the national enduros, row assignments can be requested when pre-registering and will be assigned by LiveLaps on a first come, first serve basis. Visit https://www.livelaps.com/promoter?3162 to pre-enter this event.
If you already have a LiveLaps profile, you are ready to pre-enter. If you need to create a LiveLaps profile, please visit https://www.livelaps.com/admin/participantRegistration. YOU MUST HAVE A LIVELAPS ACCOUNT SET-UP TO RACE!
The NEPG transponders are $15, and only those will work. ACES transponder chips will not work at this event.
For the past several years, ACES has been privileged to have a national enduro as a round of the series. Please keep in mind, this event is operated by NEPG and ACES does not have control of registration or the event.
ACES riders MUST fill out a ACES entry form at event registration onsite in order to get ACES points. ACES competitors must ride in the same class as they do in ACES to get points for that class.