Partner with us

Support racers

Sponsorships for the 2025 season will be accepted Nov. 1, 2024 – Jan 15, 2025.

  • Join forces with ACES to show riders that you support the sport.

  • Gain notoriety with riders from Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and West Virginia.

  • Select the coverage you want your business to receive that fits within your budget.

Read about our series and complete the sponsorship form online.

*Every sponsor is required to submit an .EPS or .ai (Adobe Illustrator) version of their company logo. Files types such as .JPEG, .PNG or .TIFF will not work for T-shirts, banners or posters

Presenting Sponsor – cash – Please consult with ACES President

For your support, your company will receive:
1. Large-sized company logo with link on our website
2. Recognition in ACES race reports published
3. Company logo on T-shirts, posters and banner displayed at all events
4. Social media coverage / spotlight
5. Company logo featured on numberplate stickers used to identify riders
6. Space at the banquet to showcase your business
7. Business / dealership highlighted all events (you provide display materials)
8. Four free rider entries during the season

Results Sponsor – $1,500 cash or product

For your support, your company will receive:
1. Large-sized company logo with link on our website
2. Recognition in ACES race reports published
3. Company logo on T-shirts, posters and banner displayed at all events
4. Social media coverage / spotlight
5. Company logo featured at the top of the results page on website
6. Space at the banquet to showcase your business
7. Business / dealership highlighted all events (you provide display materials)
8. Four free rider entries during the season

Official Tire or Gear Sponsor – $1,500 cash or product

For your support, your company will receive:
1. Large-sized company logo with link on our website
2. Recognition in ACES race reports published
3. Company logo on T-shirts, posters and banner displayed at all events
4. Social media coverage / spotlight
5. Space at the banquet to showcase your business
6. Business / dealership highlighted all events (you provide display materials)
7. Three free rider entries during the season

Feature Sponsor – $750 cash or business/dealership credit to be used at ACES discretion

For your support, your company will receive:
1. Medium-sized company logo with link on our website
2. Recognition in ACES race reports published
3. Company logo on T-shirts, posters and banner displayed at all events
4. Social media coverage / spotlight
5. Space at the banquet to showcase your business
6. Two free rider entries during the season
7. Business / dealership highlighted at one event of your choice (you provide display materials)

Associate Sponsor – $500 cash or business/dealership credit to be used at ACES discretion

For your support, your company will receive:
1. Small-sized company logo with link on our website
2. Recognition in ACES race reports published
3. Company logo on T-shirts, posters and banner displayed at all events
4. Social media coverage / spotlight
5. Space at the banquet to showcase your business
6. One free rider entry during the season

passionate about enduro racing

in the midwest